
From Tildeverse Wiki
Revision as of 06:12, 21 July 2021 by Randomuser (talk | contribs) (add a history section and modify a header)

Tilde.tel - a phone network for tildeverse users. Now avaliable on https://tel.tilde.org.nz

Service numbers

Extension Service
1101 Echo test
1104 Voicemail
1105 Conference bridge

How to get a number

To get a tel.tilde.org.nz number, please message darcy in #tildetel on the tilde.chat IRC.

If you had a tilde.tel number, in most cases, you can use that number on tel.tilde.org.nz! Just let darcy know when asking for an account.

About Voicemail

The default passcode is 1234#.

Change it by dialing in and typing 0, 5, <new passcode># and <new passcode again>#


tilde.tel was originally created by cat, but was closed down due to inactivity.