
From Tildeverse Wiki
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Host static websites with tildegit pages!

It's quick, easy, free & fast - just put your open source project's homepage, developer blog or web experiment into a Git repository at tildegit, and we'll do the rest.

Set up your repository

Create a public repository named pages to make the site available at the main subdomain.

Create a branch pages in a repository:

   git checkout --orphan pages
   git rm --cached -r .

Upload your files

Push your static content, HTML, style, fonts, images or anything else. You're done!

Access your new website using this link: https://USERNAME.tildepages.org[/REPOSITORY][/@BRANCH]

To use a custom domain, create a file .domains in your repository with the domain name to use.

Then, add a DNS record to that domains: CNAME [[branch.]repo.]user.tildepages.org

Or for zone roots where CNAME doesn't work: ALIAS tildepages.org TXT [[branch.]repo.]user.tildepages.org

If ALIAS isn't supported, use A & AAAA instead: A AAAA 2a01:4f8:252:3e22::54 + TXT as above