Inactive tildes

From Tildeverse Wiki
Revision as of 17:02, 2 June 2021 by Ben (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Tracking known tildes that have since gone offline {| class="wikitable" |+Inactive tildes !name !description |- | |a new anti-capitalist, solarpunk tilde |- |protocol...")
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Tracking known tildes that have since gone offline

Inactive tildes
name description a new anti-capitalist, solarpunk tilde explores the fundamental and unique learning opportunities provided by the implementation of standardized protocols. It is a place for curious minds to explore and experiment, to educate and be educated about protocols and implementations old and new alike. While inspired by and federated with the rest of the tildeverse via NNTP (et cetera), has a stronger focus on its particular mission and has several differences from other tilde boxes, namely: we have a Code of Conduct, and we have some resources available locally to aid development of protocol implementations and new draft protocols. We also serve pages over HTTPS. is a Debian server which is aiming to have a best community and best features. This is (or rather might be) public shell server like the club, the town, or other ~ servers. A public unix server focused around decentralization, federation, and home-brewed open source projects. This is a Linux machine on the internet where you can get a shell account.
tildespark Tilde Spark is a constantly evolving intentional community devoted to free software, open hardware and meeting new people!
wilde The world's first (and possibly only) Windows-based tilde!