
From Tildeverse Wiki
Created Aug 13 2018
Admins cmccabe
Link rawtext.club

RTC is a non-profit, do-it-yourself social network that uses a smaller, simpler, user-built toolkit. We are proudly the polar opposite of the big, exploitative, corporate-owned social media mega-sites. Not cool. Not easy. Not big. rawtext.club is what you make it. The point is that you can do a LOT using very minimal resources by stringing together command line tricks on a Linux system.


OFF THE WEB. While users can publish webpages and gopher content here, the life of the party is on the command line where you control who sees your content and how long your content lives. Nothing is indexed by search engines on the command line, so it's more like socializing with other humans offline.

DO-IT-YOURSELF. The GNU/Linux environment makes it easy to build your own tools, and many of the tools for social interaction on rawtext.club are made by users here or from other similar systems. It's more fun when you can access and tinker with the source code.

RESOURCE MINIMALISM. rawtext.club runs on a tiny cloud-based VPS with 1 GB of memory and a 25 GB disk. A desktop with these specs would choke on many modern websites, but we're able to run a whole digital social club off it because we use text-based interfaces.

NON-PROFIT. No membership fee, no ads, and nobody tracking your online movements to sell data about you. Rather, you pay to be a member of rawtext.club by being an active community member -- make neat things, test out what others have made, and teach others what you know. You can't buy a community like this. Read RTC's social contract statement for further explanation of why this is important to us.

ASYNCHRONOUS. Unlike IRC and other instant message tools, much of the interaction on rawtext.club is asynchronous. Check out what others are doing or saying, think about it a while, and respond when you want to. No rush. This is the slow social network after all.