From Tildeverse Wiki
pequeño sistema UNIX de acceso público
Created Aug 24 2021
Admins serxoz
IRC #xinu
Location Spain
OS NetBSD is not an ordinary social network, it is an experimental Spanish-speaking community in which to socialize and develop digital skills through the shell of the system by collaborating with each other.

  • OUTSIDE THE WEB: Although users can create websites, gemini capsules and gopher content, the interesting stuff happens at the command line where you control who sees your content.
  • DIY: The UNIX environment makes it easy to "make" your own tools.
  • MINIMALISM: runs on a VPS with 2 GB of RAM and 30 GB of hard disk. Using text-based interfaces minimizes resource consumption.
  • NON COMMERCIAL: No membership fee, no advertising and nobody creates a profile with your online movements to sell it. In you pay your membership fee by participating in the community, creating cool stuff, testing what other members created and teaching others what you know.
  • ASYNCHRONOUS: Although you can use IRC for real-time communication, much of the interaction is asynchronous in the sense that you can see what other users are doing, give it a spin and then comment on the BBS quietly, without rushing. is based on a NetBSD system located at a small Spanish ISP. Currently has the following services:

  • Email
  • IRC
  • BBS
  • Web space, genimi capsules and gopher holes
  • VoIP SIP account (currently requires activation by an administrator)

So, if you speak Spanish come and meet us on the irc channel #xinu and don't hesitate to request a user account.